Here at Lemon Lab we love bums all shapes and sizes! So here’s our guide on how to achieve the perfect beach peach. Its the time old saying.. no pain, no gain and for best results to get that perfect peach..  exercise is essential. 


Are Ready to show off your peach on the beach ?

Let’s have a look at few tips



Side lounges are perfect to warm up.

This exercise works your lower body and can help strengthen your legs, glutes, and hips. You can make the first few lunges easier by only going halfway down, and then progress to the full lunge.



Sumo squats, With toes pointing about 45 degrees outwards, stand with feet wider with shoulder-width apart, then push your hips backward, lowering into a squat. Keep your core tight, back straight, and knees forward.

Repeat for eight to 10 reps x 3 times



Lunges of all kinds are amazing but elevated lunges is what you need for the perfect lift butt!!

In essence you are performing a single leg squat because most of the power and strength should be coming from the front glute and leg. Push through your heel and activate your bottom. You’re going to feel this one in your backside the next day!



Banded squat pulses, Using resistance bands can give you an additional challenge to make squat exercises more effective.

Place both feet through a booty band and pull up to thigh level.

Bend down into a squat position with feet hip-width apart, and knees behind your toes.

Step to the left with the left foot, deepening the squat. Follow with the right foot.

Step right with the right foot, then follow with the left.

Repeat. Ensure that you keep tension on the band throughout the movement.
